Apostolos Sarris, Ph.D.

Dr. Apostolos Sarris is Director of Research and scientific supervisor of the Laboratory of Geophysical and Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeo-environment at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, one of the research units of F.O.R.T.H. He is also a contracted lecturer of Archaeometry at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.
His research interests span from Applied Geophysics and Remote Sensing to Geophysical Prospection of Archaeological Sites, Site Assessment and Modeling through the Application of Remote Sensing/GIS techniques, Satellite Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Classification Techniques, and Environmental Research-Development Strategies.
Dr. Sarris is an associate editor of the Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin and of the Archaeological Prospection Journal and editor of Archaeo-Telepiskopika Nea. He has been an assistant Greek representative in the scientific committee for Peace and Security of NATO. In 2007, he was elected and he is currently acting as a Vice-chair of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection (ISAP).
He has organized, planned, and participated in more than 110 geophysical/satellite remote sensing/GIS/GPS projects in Greece, the U.S.A., Cyprus, Hungary, Albania, and Egypt and organized and/or participated in more than 50 Greek and international large scale projects (E.U., NATO, INSTAP, G.S.R.T., NERC, Information Society, Interreg, a.o.). In the Körös Regional Archaeological Project in Hungary, Dr. Sarris has undertaken the geophysical prospection of a number of sites for the program. For more information about Apostolos Sarris, please visit his F.O.R.T.H Staff Page.