Online Resources

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East Antarctica

To learn more about meteoritics, stromatolites, and polar research conducted by Field Museum scientists and their colleagues, check out the following online resources:


The Field Museum's Geology Department
Find out more about the museum's world-renowed collections of fossils and meteorites that draw researchers from around the globe to study them. The scientists in the Department of Geology, together with colleagues at local universities, form one of the nation's largest concentrations of paleontologists, and one of the key meteoritics research groups in the world!

The Robert A. Pritzker Center for Meteoritics and Polar Studies
Discover the largest meteorite collection at a private institution and learn how our specimens provide an invaluable resource to the cosmochemistry, meteoritics, and polar studies community.


The Meteoritical Society
Meet more than 1,000 scientists and enthusiasts from 52 countries who study meteorites, cosmic dust, asteroids, comets, samples returned by space missions, impact craters, and the origins of the Solar System. The Meteoritical Society publishes Meteoritics and Planetary Science, a leading journal of planetary science.

The Meteoritical Bulletin Database
Check out the official database of all approved meteorites, published by the Meteoritical Society.

NASA Astromaterials and Research Exploration Science Directorate, JSC, Houston
Learn more about the people who perform the physical science research at Johnson Space Center (JSC) and serve as the JSC focus for support to the HQ Science Mission Directorate. They perform research in earth, planetary, and space sciences and the curatorial responsibility for all NASA-held extraterrestrial samples. ARES scientists and engineers also provide support to the human and robotic spaceflight programs with expertise in orbital debris modeling, analysis of micrometeoroid/orbital debris risks to spacecraft, image analysis, and earth observations.

The SETI Instute
Find out more about SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and the work that they do in exploring, understanding, and explaining the origin, nature, and prevalence of life in the universe.

The Von Braun Center for Science & Innovation
Take a look at VCSI, the organization assisting in securing permits and performing other administrational work for the Antarctica expedition. As a research and development center, they blend local resources with national assets to provide science and technology innovations and solutions to meet critical NASA and DoD mission requirements.