Online Resources
To learn more about research in paleontology and geology conducted by Field Museum scientists and others, check out the following online resources:
The Field Museum's Geology Department
Find out more about the museum's world-renowed collections of fossils and meteorites that draw researchers from around the globe to study them. The scientists in the Department of Geology, together with colleagues at local universities, form one of the nation's largest concentrations of paleontologists, and one of the key meteoritics research groups in the world!
The Field Museum's Paleontology Collections
Check out enormous variety of fossil, gem, mineral, and meteorite collections at The Field Museum, including photo archives of long-ago fossil-hunting expeditions as well as the paintings of famous dinosaur artist Charles R. Knight. Amassed over the last 100 years or so, the paleontological collections rank among the world's ten largest and include millions of individual fossilized organisms.
Robert A. Pritzker Center for Meteoritic & Polar Studies
Discover the largest meteorite collection at a private institution and learn how our specimens provide an invaluable resource to the cosmochemistry, meteoritics, and polar studies community.
Fossil Butte National Monument
Find out more about the Green River Fossil Formation of Fossil Basin and Fossil Butte National Monument, which promotes the protection of this world-class paleontological heritage.