Ants & Climate Change
Queensland, Australia

Discovering Ant Diversity in Australia's Rainforests
Hit the trail with Field Museum curator and entomologist Dr. Corrie Moreau as she treks through the Australian rainforest to track down the most dominant insects on earth—ants! You'll discover that, although they may be picnic pests, ants play a surprisingly beneficial role in the environment and can even help us predict the effects of global warming.
Newest Updates
Keep up on the latest headlines featuring Dr. Moreau's work! Watch videos, listen to podcasts, and check out recent publications that highlight her...
To learn more about biodiversity research, the Pritzker DNA Laboratory, and the insect and arthropod collections at The Field Museum, check out the...
If you've enjoyed following along with Dr. Moreau's expedition and would like to learn more about ants, DNA sequencing, and the evolutionary forces...
The Field Museum has many student programs available for every age group. To learn more about educator workshops, student internships, and more,...