Meet the Team
The 2007 Japurá expedition was part of a U.S. National Science Foundation and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brazilian National Science Foundation) sponsored collaboration between Drs. Jason Weckstein and John Bates (The Field Museum) and Dr. Alexandre Aleixo (Museu Paraense Emilío Goeldi, Belém, Brazil).
Additional field team members included Dr. Marcos Persio (Universidade do Pará), former Museu Goeldi graduate students Elinete Rodriguez and Maya S. Faccio, and Museum Goeldi Technicians Manoel Santa Brígida and Nilton Santa Brígida.
John M. Bates, Ph.D.
Jason D. Weckstein, Ph.D.
Alexandre Aleixo, Ph.D.
Marcos Persio, Ph.D.
Michel Valim, Ph.D.
Elinete Rodriguez
Maya S. Faccio
Manoel Santa Brígida
Nilton Santa Brígida
Crew of the Comandante Abreu
This site and the research presented in it are sponsored in part by the following National Science Foundation grants:
NSF DEB-1120054, Collaborative Research: Southern Amazonian birds and their symbionts: Biodiversity and endemicity of parasites from the most diverse avifauna on Earth, PI (J. D. Weckstein, V. Tkach, J. M. Bates, and A. Aleixo), $787,000 (FMNH Cover Sheet: $537,000), 2011-2014
- NSF DEB-0515672, Bridging micro and macroevolutionary patterns: Population genetics of coevolutionary history, (J. D. Weckstein, J. M. Bates, and A. Aleixo), $344,305 (and $34,250 in REU supplements), 2005-2010
- NSF Dimensions US-BIOTA-Sao Paulo-1241075, Assembly and evolution of the Amazonian biota and its environment: an integrated approach, (Joel Cracraft, John Bates, and co-PIs from five other U.S. institutions), $235,176 (FMNH portion) of $1,999,606 award, 2012-2017