Meteorites & Stromatolites
East Antarctica

Mining Meteorites & Stromatolites from Antarctica's Glaciers and Lakes
Go prospecting for meteorites along the world’s most productive recovery fields—the glaciers of Antarctica! Then dive into the frigid waters of one of the continent’s largest freshwater lakes to meet a living community of some of Earth’s oldest fossils: stromatolites. Field Museum geologist Dr. Philipp Heck and his colleagues invite you join them as they journey into this frozen wilderness to explore our planet’s past.
Newest Updates
During the team's 2012-13 Antarctica Expedition, Dr. Heck and his colleagues filmed a series of videos documenting daily life during the expedition...
I thought I’d begin my blog post by giving you a brief introduction to Antarctic meteorite collecting. The process was developed by the scientific...
In preparation for our meteorite fieldwork, my colleagues and I spent some time practicing our spotting and collecting techniques. We looked for...
After our first fieldwork trip to Lake Untersee, we returned to Maitri Station where we were able to spend some time warming up and preparing for our...