Ants, Diet, & Diversity

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Costa Rica
Expedition Overview

Track down the trails of some amazing ants—including "turtle," "bullet," and "army" ants—in the tropical forests of Costa Rica with Field Museum curator Corrie Moreau and her team of researchers and scientists-in-training. You'll not only find out how these elusive ants earned their odd nicknames, but you'll also discover how their diet may affect their diversity—the evolution of different traits and species—and what these trends tell us about our own health and evolutionary history! 


Newest Updates

During their survey of ants in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica, Dr. Corrie Moreau and her team filmed a series of videos documenting daily life...
Well, quite a bit of time has elapsed since our 2012 Expedition to Costa Rica, and I thought I'd fill you in on how the trip ended and what we've...
Keep up on the latest headlines featuring the work of Dr. Moreau and her team! Watch videos, listen to podcasts, and check out recent publications...
Santa Rosa National Park, one of Costa Rica's oldest and largest national parks, lies within the Area de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG). A UNESCO...