Additional Team Members

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East Pacific Rise

Kim Larsen

Texas A & M University

Dr. Kim Larsen’s research is in the field of crustacean biology, particularly tanaidacean biology. Kim’s research is conducted mainly in deep-sea locations where the bulk of tanaidacean diversity resides and focuses on sex determination in addition to taxonomy and higher-level systematics. Currently he is constructing a monograph of deep-sea tanaidacea from the Gulf of Mexico. On this trip, Kim was going to attempt to be the first to discover tanaids at hydrothermal vents, but unfortunately, he had to cancel his trip at the last minute

James Henry Scott

Carnegie Institution of Washington

Dr. James Henry Scott analyses carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotope ratios to understand how physiological and biochemical processes that occur in microorganisms found at hydrothermal vents affect the surrounding geochemistry and vice versa. Recently, he has been focusing on the isotopic fractionation associated with specific biochemicals such as amino acids, lipids, and nucleotides, which may reveal key pathways that communities of microorganisms use in metabolism. This cruise was to have been Dr. Scott's initial visit to the East Pacific Rise and his first with a manned submersible; unfortunately, he had to cancel his trip at the last minute. His plans to collect bacteria and water samples for various experiments will be carried out by his colleagues.


Meg Daly

Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Kansas

Meg Daly studies the global biodiversity of sea anemones. Sea anemones are very simple in their morphology, but are complex in their biology, using myriad reproductive, trophic, and life-history strategies to survive and prosper. Meg expects to find all kinds of strange new sea anemones during this cruise, and looks forward to studying how these animals are related to anemones found in less extreme environments as well as what role the environment plays in shaping the biology of the anemones.


Cheryl Parker

Research Technician
University of New Hampshire

Cheryl Parker is a research technician working with Dr. Karen Von Damm at the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS) at UNH. Cheryl helps to collect hydrothermal vent fluids at sea and then processes the samples to determine their various chemical components. On her third R/V ATLANTIS cruise and second trip back to 9° N, Cheryl will be measuring chemicals such as hydrogen sulfide to better understand the composition of vent fluids and how they change over time. 

Beth Dushman

Graduate Student
University of California at Davis

Beth, a first year graduate geophysics student studying with Dr. Jim McClain, will be studying off-axis topography of abyssal hills using the multibeam sonar and deep-tow camera systems. She also hopes to expand off-axis Seabeam coverage of the seafloor to the north to test models of ridge development. This is Beth's second cruise to the East Pacific Rise, but her first as a geophysicist.


Sabrine Gollner

Graduate Student
Unversity of Vienna

Sabine Gollner works in the laboratory of Monika Bright and is interested in community structures and succession among the tiny (one millimeter or smaller) animals that make up the meiofauna. Her work focuses on meiobenthos that live among giant tubeworms at two different hydrothermal vent sites on the East Pacific Rise. Working with Julia Zekely, she will collect as many meiobenthic samples as possible during this cruise.


Kimberly Beers

University of New Hampshire

Kim is a junior majoring in Earth Sciences at the University of New Hampshire. She is concentrating her studies in the fields of Geology and Oceanography. Kim went on numerous day cruises this past summer on UNH research boats using multi-beam sonar and magnetometers. She's excited about participating in her first "blue water" cruise and multidisciplinary research projects.


Kevin Zelnio 

University of California at Davis

Kevin Zelnio is a senior majoring in evolution and ecology at the University of California, Davis. His research interests include invertebrate biology, biomechanics, and community assemblage ecology. Kevin says deep-sea biology fascinates him because of the diversity between species, and hopes to continue his studies as a graduate student. On this cruise he will be assisting with various research projects.