Janet Voight, Ph.D.
Dr. Janet Voight has been a curator of zoology at the Museum since 1990 and is the veteran of 16 deep-sea research cruises, including five on the R/V ATLANTIS. This is her second expedition to the hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise and first as Chief Scientist. As an expert in cephalopod mollusk (especially octopod) biology and evolution, Janet hopes to study deep-sea octopuses in their natural habitat while at sea. But she also uses these opportunities to build the Museum’s collection of other deep-sea animals. While Janet will certainly be on the lookout for octopuses, particularly Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis, her primary goal for this year's expedition is to document the differences and similarities between fauna at each of the targeted vents. To learn more about Janet, you can review her curriculum vitae (CV).