Danilo (Danny) Balete

Danilo (Danny) Balete grew up on a small farm in southern Luzon, riding water buffalos bare-backed and catching fish by hand in the local streams. Soon after graduating from the University of the Philippines at Los Baños (south of Manila), he was hired by a conservation organization to conduct biological surveys and develop management plans for national parks. In 1991, he was invited by Dr. Heaney to come to Chicago to enter the Master’s Degree program at the University of Illinois, and to help manage a training program in conservation of biological diversity at The Field Museum.
Danny continues to work with non-government organizations on the conservation of biodiversity, but now spends most of his time as the primary leader of field surveys for the Philippine Mammal Project. He spends about eight months living in the rainforest each year, and about four months working with the research team at The Field Museum in Chicago. To learn more about Danny and his work, please visit his Field Museum Scientist's Profile.